Your chance to participate in the Swiss direct democracy!
The commune is one of the “political levels” of Swiss decision-making and its authorities have a say in numerous areas related to the well-being of its inhabitants: transport, constructions, security, public utilities, school infrastructures, taxes…
In Lutry, the authorities are composed of the “conseil communal” (“town parliament” composed of 85 elected counselors) and the “municipalité” (5 executive city counselors, one of them being the “Syndic”; these 5 positions are each equivalent to a 35% part-time and remunerated).
Both councils are elected for a 5 years period, and the next elections are taking place on March 7th, 2021, with a second round for the municipalité on March 29th.
Even as a foreign citizen, you can cast your vote in the Lutry election if:
You have been leaving in Switzerland for 10 years at least
You have settled in Lutry for 3 years at a minimum
You applied to the voting - roll
If so, we would be glad to count on your support!
Our group, founded in 2016, counts currently 9 “conseillers communaux” and is positioned in the center of the political spectrum; a majority of candidates have no political affiliation (“indépendants”) and some are members of the “vert’libéraux”, a liberal movement keen on supporting the green economy, hence the name of the group.
Our group has been the most active in the last 4 years, proposing a record number of 11 initiatives (Postulat, Motions, Interpellation), 9 of them being adopted by the majority of the council.
Our approach
Conscious of living in the beautiful commune of Lutry, we wish to act to further improve the quality of life and the integration of all its inhabitants, you included! Furthermore, we propose that the authorities address the challenges ahead with the best possible anticipation.
Strong believers in the power of concerted actions to come up to the best solutions, we want to anchor our approach in innovation, openness and diversity at the local level. By our central positioning and new energy, our group “Indépendants & vert’libéraux” is filling a pivotal role within the political spectrum of Lutry’s political life.
Our motto : For Lutry, together with you !
Our four priorities:
1- Lutry is first and foremost a community of people, enjoying the Art of living in Lavaux, its conviviality. The population of the commune continues to grow with the arrival of new inhabitants. Preserving and enriching the quality of Living together is a priority for all generations, all social backgrounds and in all neighborhoods. Actions to support families and to stimulate our rich associations network will be our priorities !
2- Developing a sustainable economy!
A strong and dynamic local economy is essential for the attractiveness of our community and our prosperity. Taking a long term and environmentally friendly perspective to economic development will be an asset in securing the financial resources of the municipality and employment. We will also preserve our natural resources and the quality of our living environment.
3- Enhancing and preserving our environment
Lutry is an idyllic commune with its village full of history, its preserved hamlets, its access to the lake, its vineyards and its forests. While this geographically limited territory attracts many people, we want to enhance and protect this exceptional environment for our future generations by developing sustainable and renewable energies, encouraging energy efficiencies and better managing waste.
4- Supporting a softer mobility
Our Commune, with its 10'000 inhabitants and its particular topography, is confronted with a major challenge: the organization and planning of the mobility of its inhabitants, visitors and all users of the communal road network. A comprehensive and visionary transportation offer, both public and private, is necessary. Solutions to optimize traffic fluidity exists at local and regional level, we can promote them.
Our candidate for the Municipality
After our success in increasing our presence at the “conseil communal” with a significant representation, and the good turn-out for our two great candidates to the Municipality election (Claudie Leconte and Ludovic Paschoud) in the first round, we are pleased to announce that Ludovic Paschoud will run for the second round under the banner of the “Indépendants & vert’libéraux”.
Proud to support his candidature, we are confident that Ludovic Paschoud will bring a new dynamic to the executive of our city.